Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Kisses from Heaven

Remember that one day when the sun was shining? That was nice, wasn't it?

I like this saying about rain: "A raindrop landing on your cheek is a kiss from someone that lives in Heaven and is watching over you..."

How appropriate since one, it is raining – again, and two, we are just a few days away from the anniversary of my dad's death.

After nearly 4 years, I know he is watching over me. Not only does he send me kisses in the rain, but he often visits my dreams. Most times, I am dreaming something about getting my parents' house cleaned out for a sale. But it's not just for my mom. My dad is always in the dream, too, like he's still around. Not sure if that means he is telling us kids to support Mom more.

Or if he's signaling me to get rid of all the clutter in my life.

I can see that playing out both ways. Good advice either way, right?

Next time he's in my dream, though, I might casually mention that he doesn't need to rain down kisses on baseball days or softball days... or golf days. Those days are few and far between. The other days, well, the smooch fest can resume as usual.

Thanks, Dad!


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