Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Storm Shelter :: No Money Down

It was Wicked Weather Wednesday in Wisconsin. Just like Tuesday, but with more alliteration.

After sleeping fitfully through last night's storms, we were treated to another round later this afternoon. We were under a combined Tornado Watch-Severe Weather Watch for the afternoon and evening, resulting in our doubleheader baseball and softball games getting called off and rescheduled to next Monday.

Since I had no excuse to skip kickboxing, I finally went for the first time in several weeks. Between work work and chiropractic work, I've had to stay away. It was a tough class. An understatement.

After class, my Wonder Twin Gwen (yes, Wonder Woman has stunt doubles) mentioned we were in a Tornado Warning. I looked at my phone and it only said Storm Warning. So we both figured we better hustle to Wal-Mart and shop quickly to beat it.

Now Robyn and "quick shopping" do not go hand in hand – even if I have a list. It took me forever to pick out a wedding card and two birthday cards because obviously it is a major decision, much like which car to buy or which college to attend. Gotta pick the right one.

So by the time I was in the grocery area, I could hear the rain pounding on the roof. Then it got loud. Really loud. Like the hail kind of loud. When I did make it the checkout aisle I wondered how fast I could run to my car in that stuff – and not get those cards wet, of course.

I didn't even get a chance to check out before the lights flickered off and on several times. Then completely out. No power. Just generator lights.

All shoppers were ordered to head back to Layaway, which conveniently doubles as a storm shelter. "This is a Code Black." Which now I know means, don't stand by the entrance taking pictures of hail. Get your butt to the back of the store so Wal-Mart doesn't get sued for injury and negligence.

I left my items on the checkout conveyor belt, grabbed my purse and headed to Layaway. I HAD to make a birthday treat tonight, so there was no way I was going home empty handed. Unless the storm got serious, that is.

As luck would have it, my Wonder Twin was there and we both were comforted knowing we would be with each other when we died. Well, how fitting my final resting place should be at Wal-Mart. Cleanup in aisle 5... Ashes.

Since we all didn't fit in the layaway area, some of us hung outside the door and browsed the shoe aisles. Gwen and I talked and tried not to look at the famous "People of Wal-Mart" type folks. Then I realized I was one of them. I was the sweaty, gross one and I am sure there were relieved when we were dismissed some 20 minutes later.

Power still hadn't come back on – it is out in much of the area – but the self-serve checkout kiosks worked.

On the way home, I saw a road closed and lots of emergency vehicles. Snapped a pic while driving by. It appears the uprooted tree is resting on power lines. That would explain some of the outages anyway.

When I got home and found that much of the town and area were still without power, I commenced to baking at lightning speed and now blogging quickly. Never know when the power will go off since we do have another round of storms coming.

Once again, I am praying for any victims – whether personal injury or tree/property injury. Apparently the wacky weather is here to stay.

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