Sunday, May 7, 2017

Rockin' Like the Oldies

Now that I look at this pile, it doesn't seem like much, but these rocks are plenty big and plenty heavy. After digging them, loading them, wheelbarrowing them and unloading them onto this pile, I did feel like an OLDIE today.

The only thing really hurting today after the run yesterday was the same thing that hurt before it. My back. Had been to the chiropractor a few times last week. I think the run just jarred things enough that the pain decided to hang around another day.

In my logical frame of mind, I figured that since I already have chiro appointments lined up for Monday and Wednesday this week, I might as well make it worth the good doctor's time. Yup, that's sort of the stubborn thinking that tends to characterize us OLD people.

So I hit phase two of my landscaping project. Last time I put my black thumbs to work killing some unnecessary vegetation. Today, I dug out the old rock border next to the "new" dead stuff so we can eventually replace it with nice border bricks like I have by my rock garden area.

Everything has to be done in stages for three reasons: time, money, AGE.

I really could have been a weekend warrior but only got about half done today. Then it was time for a brief break with Mr. Deck Chair, followed by a yummy dinner at Anchor Bay on the Wisconsin River. We took Tony to celebrate his "retirement" from McDonald's today. He will start a new job in manufacturing in a week. Good food, good company and nice view.

Now I am trying to finish some indoor projects and wishing I had a day between Sunday and Monday. Sigh...

I hope this week rocks – for my young and OLD friends!

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