Sunday, May 21, 2017

Spring in Wisconsin

Remember that really warm and humid day last week? For the record, that was the only day in 2017 – so far – that I did not "warm up my bed" with the electric mattress pad. The. Only. One.

Today has me wondering when did we last have a 24-hour stretch with no rain? And now cold (as in 40 degrees) to boot.

Yesterday, as part of the Assumption Royal Event activities, they had to re-route the 5K because the walking/running paths were under water. Today was the main event with outdoor activities including kids games, inflatable rides, a petting zoo and a dunk tank. B-r-r-r.

It was cold enough and sprinkling often enough that we just stayed inside, taking advantage of all the food offerings. Well, not all of them.

I had a yummy pulled pork sandwich for "breakfast," a German schaum torte (meringue, toffee and whipped cream type dessert for "lunch," then homemade apple pie and ice cream for "dinner." As an afternoon snack I had a piece of cheesecake. But don't judge me for that ONE. I had food tickets left and ended up taking 4 pieces to go. So you can judge me after I inhale those.

C'mon, I shared with the guys in the house. Perhaps against my will, but I shared.

Hubby and I were at the Royal Event for most of the afternoon. Part of it was spend surveying the condition of the baseball field. If the rain could hold off until we get the last games of the season in this week and the next few for playoffs, that would be great.

The baseball games tomorrow night were rescheduled from last Wednesday, which was the rain date from a previous cancellation. So yes, it would be great if they could play.

Not sure how many layers we will need, but I suspect it's somewhere between the Tuesday and Saturday illustrations above. B-r-r-r-r-ing on Spring in Wisconsin!

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