Saturday, May 6, 2017

Doing the Jig

My use of the jig today had nothing to do with opening fishing weekend in Wisconsin and certainly nothing to do with dancing the jig. I did the Jig – as in the Jigsaw 6K Run to benefit the greater Autism community in central Wisconsin.

The annual event is held just 5 minutes away at Lake Wazeecha, which features a walking/running path around the entire lake equaling just shy of 4 miles. It's called the Jigsaw Run because of the puzzle piece symbolizing autism. The original puzzle piece design some 60 years ago was meant to signify the multi facets of autism, its complexity, diversity, the misunderstanding of autistic people, of them trying to fit into society and ultimately the missing piece to completely understand all that autism entails.

This was the 9th year for our local event and my third time running it. Last time I participated was 5 years ago. I've missed it the last 4 because it always falls on the same Saturday as state solo and ensembles, and there was some young man I had to SEE (and listen to).

I wasn't physically ready to run it this year, but accepted the challenge from my next-door neighbor Mike, who is a running beast. He could have been home, showered and napping by the time I finished behind him. Since I rode with him and Cindy I am glad they waited.

The race itself went a little worse than expected. Had to have been the hills which are non-existent on my neighborhood training route. I ran then walked a bit and then started running and had a terrible "stitch" below my ribs. Not on any particular side so I couldn't use any tricks I knew to get rid of the ache. I just walked and regulated my breathing and was able to run again. As it turned out, I ended up coming right up next to my girlfriend Teri, so we finished the second half of the race together with a run-walk pattern that worked for both of us and our abilities!

Didn't have much gas in the end but finished under 45 1/2 minutes. Not bad for all my unplanned walking in the beginning. Actually ended up 14th out of 49 participants in the 41-50 age category for women. I'll take it.

Saw lots of people I knew, including my soon-to-be niece Amy, engaged to our nephew Colin. Good thing I wore Reffner Blue today. That did not help me go any faster, but Amy is a speed demon!

This afternoon was spent fixing the dryer which required the installation of a new heating coil thingy. Thankfully my running role model next door is an electrician so we got it all figured out with Mike's help (well, he did the work and we watched).

By the time we had success with that project, the day was pretty shot. This evening, hubby and I attended a 25th wedding anniversary dinner for friends. Very nice turnout. The couple renewed their vows and there was dancing afterward. That was my opportunity to dance the JIG, I guess. But me legs doth protest.

Come tomorrow morning, my whole body probably will. But it's got me in the mood to run again, so there's that positive. I may have to puzzle out how to move legs and breathe at the same time without any pain anywhere.

That'll be challenging jigsaw.

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