Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This Bears Another Look

Hundreds of Wisconsin Rapids residents were shooting a black bear today. Not with guns, but with their cameras. For the city folk, having a bear in town is a big deal, I guess. Where I come from, they walk through yards and back patios like they own the place.

A few years back – when 8-year-old Carter invented the SELFIE – he was vacationing at Uncle Rick and Aunt Romey's house and got to see a bear firsthand. And close.

Was he scared? No, Carter wasn't. The bear rested awhile in the front lawn then moved on to a more exciting piece of grass. Just another day in the Northwoods.

This morning, a 250-300 pound bear was walking through Wisconsin Rapids – a rare sight, believe me – and after getting a little frightened of the four-lane traffic, decided to take a break by climbing a large pine tree right next to the busy road.

The police were sending out memos through the media and social media channels. The DNR Warden advised that the bear might stay in the tree until tonight. I'm assuming it's still there right now. But citizens were warned: "If you happen to be in that area, please remember bears are wild animals. Just leave it alone and eventually he/she will climb down and wander away."

Obviously in Rapids lingo that means, "Go see it!" So I sort of did a drive-by. Guilty. Street was barricaded and the bear is up in the tall tree on the right.

Thankfully I had a stoplight so I could get him/her from this angle. See the black spot up there?

Want a closer look? Oh, for that you have to borrow the newspaper's photo. (Thanks, Daily Trib!)

So there. Now you know the most exciting thing that happened today in central Wisconsin.

Move over, Goldilocks. This town ain't big enough for the both of us.

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