Friday, May 26, 2017

Water Resistant

When you hold onto a grudge or focus on a problem too long, think of the elephant ear.

OK, I can't find my Gardening for Dummies book but I think this plant is some variation of that elephant ear plant I've seen. All I know is, like the elephant, they can hold their water. You really gotta shake them up for them to let it go.

At a glance, this looks like a huge raindrop. And it is. At least the size of dime, sitting there with the sun shining and no plans to move. Just expecting itself to disappear naturally.

Problems that are the size of a dime don't seem that big. But for a raindrop, that's a pretty good size. Still, we're talking elephant ears here. How big is a dime-size drop comparably?

Big, but not huge, right?

Lately I have been focused too much on a problem that I am ready to shake off but it is clinging to its elephant ear, not disappearing on its own or sliding off in a positive direction. With some self-help study (which I may share some day), I have finally come to the realization that it is up to the elephant ear how long it wants to hold that large but not huge raindrop in place. I can try to reduce its size with my positive, warm, sunny attitude. But the rest is up to the elephant.

Honestly, if I can't change other people, why would I think I can change an elephant?

Personally, if I had a big drop of water in my ear, it would drive me crazy. And it has. And it does.

But it's time for me to concentrate on shaking off my own problems and let the rest of the herd do what they want with theirs. Not my circus, not my, uhm, elephant, right? I can only be in charge of my own happiness. I can spread it but some people, er elephants, may be resistant to that, too.

I guess it is possible to transition from a wet elephant ear to a wet blanket. I am helpless to stop it in others. But I remain hopeful I can in myself.

Stay positive. Welcome the "rain." Learn from it. Shake it off. Move on.

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