Thursday, September 14, 2017

Big Fair Weather Fan

I'm not just a fair-weather fan. I am a fan of fair weather!

Loving these summer-like temps that sneaked back into the forecast. I think today we might have gotten even warmer than 82 degrees here but I couldn't find the final high. Was able to take a walk break at work and get in a walk tonight.

The only downside is that if you look closely at the forecast you will see we are losing practically 2 minutes of daylight a day!

Tonight, my neighbor Cindy and I got out for a walk and needed a flashlight on the way back and it wasn't even 8 o'clock yet. Dang. That's the part I don't like about the late summer transition to fall.

That and those pesky allergies that are just my nemesis this year. If I could possibly just address one ailment at a time, my body would appreciate it. Thanks.

Still, I have it 100 times better than so many who have no reason to enjoy the weather – as it has spawned these terrible storms in humid areas and fires in dry areas. Uff da. I'll take a nice summer-like September day with a stuffed nosed over any of that.

Big fan.

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