Monday, September 4, 2017

Like Labor Day

I've heard there's no comparison to the pain of giving birth. That's why people think women are tougher than we are. I was reminded today, though, of my low threshold for pain. Yes, I've done the whole labor thing. But yes, I am a wimp.

First, my back and right hip area have been bugging me in a painful way for days. I might have pinched my "psychotic" nerve again or something. So I will try to get in tomorrow.

Still, despite that pain, I wanted to nail those freshly painted lattice pieces in place. Just started positioning things this morning when I apparently awakened some long-legged wasps. There was not a nest in sight but boy, one them got me quickly. It was buzzing by my head and went in for the kill.

I don't know if it was one or two stings. I just know it hurt like hell behind and above my ear and I screamed. For those keeping score at home, the Summer Sting Count is: Wasps 3, Robyn 0. Ow, ow, ouch!

Got ice on it right away and took a Benadryl. I am mildly allergic to bees but I didn't want to press my luck with the yellowjacket or whatever it was since this is the third time this summer! Needless to say, the neighbor helped with the lattice and thankfully there were no more stings – especially for hubby, who is deathly allergic.

I ended up sending Jim to the races at Golden Sands without me. I was too woozy and with my back "out," I did not need to sit in a bleacher seat for 5 hours.

Since I was home, I got a few things done inside and even got to see my twin sister and her family. They had come down to bring some items to Tony, who just moved out of here and into his own apartment. They picked up the trailer he used to haul big stuff and headed back Up North. No time for visiting when they were on a mission to find King Cone and fight holiday traffic!

After they left, I headed up to Marshfield and the fair to pick up my entries and ribbons.

It was very windy and threatened rain, but I got my photos back to the car before anything happened. Was also treated to a rainbow on the way home! Guess that's a positive sign that even though summer feels like it's over, there are good things to come.

Including good treats I'm taking to work tomorrow. Ha.

I made a trip to Wal-Mart today to replace my trifle bowl. Moonlighting as the Office Birthday Fairy is serious business. Since two co-workers had birthdays today I figured I better invent / make a good treat.

With my love for coconut, this might be my favorite concoction yet. Layers are chocolate cake, coconut cream pudding and crushed Samoa (chocolate, caramel, coconut) cookies. I know. I also hope it tastes as good as it looks.

I don't mind a labor of love on Labor Day. The pain, though, I could do without. Gotta toughen up so I can carry the heavy dessert bowl into work tomorrow!

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