Friday, September 29, 2017

Sunset Signs

The sun has set on another busy week. Not sure why this always happens, but by Friday night, I am out of words. Ha.

Lucky you!

To recap the week, I'm down to one chiropractor appointment so my back is much improved from two weeks ago, thanks to adjustments, electro-therapy, a back brace and using a lacrosse ball to work out knots and tight muscles.

For fun this week, was able to take some pictures to help out the Assumption yearbook staff. As it turned out, shooting middle school volleyball was pretty cool since I knew a few girls on each team, after all. Forget they are growing up and in middle school now!

Mostly the week was filled with prayer requests. Sadly, a lot of people need healing thoughts.

Fortunately, I just have to look at my sunset snapshot from tonight and see that God is there for them.

He is here for all of us.

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