Saturday, September 16, 2017

Short List Saturday

While my "To Do" list never ends, I only had one thing on my "Must Do" list today: Book Club.

So while hubby was off golfing with his friends, I started the day with Book Club with some of my friends. We met at From The Ground Up coffee shop and that meant a Pumpkin Spice Latte for me. Of course! It was a nice time chatting up a book and mainly catching up on each other's lives. Love this group of ladies! Bummer when we aren't able to get everyone there.

After club, I thought I'd get to my optional "To Do" list – the fun Saturday chores (actually on a Saturday for once), some freelance projects (all done) and some church stuff (mostly done).

I wanted to run through my choir music for tomorrow. We're doing one song but only had one practice so I wanted see if I could nail the alto part. Well here's the thing. I am not exactly a gifted or even non-gifted piano player. I was a killer organ player when I just had to read along with the "numbers" on the keys as a kid. Thankfully, Carter's Casio had some labels he put on there for lettered notes (not numbers, though).

So I had to add a few more visual cheat sheets. Don't knock it 'til you try it. I was able to muddle through the notes and the song and no neighborhood dogs were howling. So that's a win.

Rewarded myself with a little time with Mr. Deck Chair before taking a walk with my neighbor. It was glorious out today. Another summer-like day with 80-some degrees. Love it! Wouldn't have minded more time outside but I just had things to get done now that I was home for a day and was actually upright with considerably less back pain.

Tomorrow we go back to autumn with a high of 70. Thank goodness shaving my legs was not on my "Must Do" list today.

That would have been a waste of time.

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