Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Preaching to the Choir

Despite all my "Chiro Practice" visits this week, I did go to actual Choir Practice tonight, too!

Yup, I decided it is never too late to try something new. Well, old but new now. I loved high school choir. I had actually planned to join our church choir back when Carter was finishing up confirmation but that was about the same time my panic disorder revealed itself. I decided anxiety and warm choir robes don't mix. So I pushed the idea to the back of my mind.

Not that I am cured now. But I am going into this with the mindset that if I can survive the first performance, I will stick with it. Well I had no idea we already are singing this Sunday!!

Guess I better remember how to plunk out a tune on the organ so I can learn my part. There were no tryouts required and I got a round of applause just for showing up. They don't know if I can sing or read music or do the harmonizing alto part, but they didn't care. They were happy to have me and I felt very welcome.

And yes, it does ease my anxiety a bit when I realize I know 90% of the members. So that's cool. And there is some serious talent I can listen and learn from. I can still read music. Am just a little rusty.

Of course, hubby – the former high school show choir star – probably doesn't realize how much I enjoyed singing then and now. So just substitute Jim for Joe in this and you'll get the picture.

I suppose it does no good that we can hook up earphones to the Casio. That only blocks out the sound of the organ, not me.

Pray for us.

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