Saturday, September 2, 2017

Warmth of Friendship

It's sort of like Mother Nature flipped a switch on September 1 and made summer come to an end. Even though we know it technically lives on for 3 more weeks, it's tough to ignore temps in the 40s and 50s.

It was chilly last night and today, well, the precipitation definitely couldn't be classified as a warm summer rain!

Hubby left by 8 a.m. to go help some friends set up their deer stands on their land on the western edge of the county. While he labored in the rain showers, I enjoyed some hot coffee and "catching up" time with my BFF in town for the weekend.

Had a nice visit with Christine and went home to warm the house with laundry and baking. About 2 p.m., the other halves of the men on the land (aka Lunch Ladies) left town to take lunch to the hard workers. I should say, lunch and a dry change of clothes!

Spent the afternoon out there. Rain finally stopped by 5 p.m. Came home to drop off a few things and wash the muddy clothes, then rejoined the group just down the road for a campfire.

It's always fun to have a campfire. Tonight it served a dual purpose – center of a ring of friends and a much-needed heat source! Just like turning on the outdoor furnace.

Typical of Wisconsin weather, tomorrow is supposed to bounce back to summer-like weather with sun and temps in the 80s. We'll be sitting in a different ring of friends and still feeling the warmth.

Pretty cool, huh? And not in a "Mother Nature is bipolar" way.

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