Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Sometimes things come along when we're not even looking for them. Today it was eggnog popping up at Wal-Mart when I am still latte deep in the Pumpkin Spice season.

Several weeks ago it was a new job opportunity popping up with a flavor much more suited to my taste.

So yes, two and a half years as a proposal writer at Renaissance Learning concluded yesterday – well technically this Friday but I am using up my last vacation days. Next up is a communications writer in the marketing department at Sentry Insurance.

I may be the only geek pumped up about going from the Ed Tech field to Insurance – but for me, it means going from somewhat rigid, technical writing to more creative writing. More in my wheelhouse. What the heck, I'm almost 50. I should have some fun with what I am doing.

Granted, the people I worked with were a lot of fun. But you can't stay at a job because of the people only.

I did say tearful goodbyes to most of my department yesterday but waited until a dinner date tonight to say "so long" and "see you soon" to my two walking-venting-laughing-crying buddies Nicki and Colleen. I will really miss not having them as part of my daily grind!

However, I do know at least half a dozen people at Sentry including 4 in the marketing department. So I am feeling pretty good – great, actually – about that!

In the meantime, I am off for 10 days and am hoping to conquer some de-cluttering and fall cleaning tasks. Hubby is in Vegas for work so I should try to do something noticeable. I don't think the new tans lines from bonding with Mr. Deck Chair today will count.

Yup, still summer in my book. Go away, eggnog. I will love you when the time is right.

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