Sunday, October 22, 2017


Was not thrilled to wake up to rain this morning. I had plans for a senior photo shoot around noon. If it didn't work today, we'd have to wait until the young man didn't have school this coming Friday.

Without generalizing too much, had it been a girl, I think she would have called it off and waited a few days. But guys, well, they probably aren't wearing any clothes that need to go in the "delicates" cycle and probably (but not necessarily) have less product in their hair. In essence, they are waterproof.

What I learned today... Boys don't mind senior photo shoots in the rain because:
  1. They tend to go quickly. 
  2. There's a good chance Mom will let them wear a hat!

Right on both counts.

After church, Curtis and his parents met me at the museum for a few photos of him in his Boy Scout (Eagle Scout) uniform, then onto the great outdoors at a historic site by Nekoosa that is sometimes used for reenactments.

Yup, it sprinkled the whole time. Yup, we got done in record time. And yup, he got to wear a hat for awhile! He was a great sport about it and such a natural outdoors! And I personally loved not having to deal with the sun and wicked shadows.

A few of my favorites from today...

Gives a whole new meaning to "photo shoot." C'mon, I couldn't resist that one!

No photographers or subject were harmed in this process. Although my shoes were dirty and my hair was flat. Got home in time for a Vikings victory so it all balanced out.

In MY world anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time and getting the pictures done for us. Just wish the weather was a little better.