Friday, November 17, 2017

Father Figures

You know I have "adopted daughters" I enjoy watching grow up, play sports, dance and sing. But I don't just need a daughter fix. Now and then I need a father fix, too.

Yup, I have several "adopted fathers," too, who don't mind at all that I call them Dad. Besides my father-in-law, there are a handful who are the real-life fathers of friends and, by default, grandfathers of some of my girls.

They all have a special place in my heart. I hope I have shown them that.

Tonight after work, I got a shock when I ran into a friend at the grocery store and learned one of my dads passed away unexpectedly this morning. My heart was breaking immediately.

I held it together in the store, but on the way home I let the tear ducts loose. I adored this man! We bonded over a lot of baseball (his son-in-law coaches with Jim) and softball (his son coaches and his granddaughters play) games the last few years. I was always greeted with a hug and we could exchange some decent ribbing. Just the sweetest guy around. Both he and his wife are wonderful people. And as a result, their kids and grandkids are pretty amazing people to call friends, too.

I adored this man to the moon and back. He just turned 70. That's NOT old. Not sure yet what caused his death but I know he broke a lot of hearts today and it has nothing to do with his smile and charm. It has everything to do with his departure.

While bawling on the way home from the store, I talked to God about comforting the survivors. And I talked to Dad, too. My real-life Dad up in heaven.

"Dad, you are going to like Doug. He's cocky and charming and funny like you and you can talk sports all day long! Take care of him."

God, please bless the Schill family. We love them like family. I know You do, too.

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