Sunday, March 4, 2018

Follow the Puck and the Putt

If there's one thing I'm good at, well a pro even, it's procrastinating. Give me a minute and I'll find plenty of reasons – quite valid ones – not to do housework, clean my office, or anything.

Today I went to church. Good reason since the choir sang at 8 a.m.

Came home and uploaded some 80 photos of last night's regional championship game. Then for real, I did dust and vacuum and straightened up a bit. But really, the homestead could do with some deep spring cleaning. Since I heard we're getting a mammoth snowstorm though, tomorrow, I figured why start now?

So when my friends mentioned their son was playing in a state hockey championship game at this afternoon – and only 10 minutes away – I figured, why not? I have learned to shoot two new sports this year: wrestling and hockey. Different but fun. I know nothing about the rules of either sport. Just focus and shoot.

And follow the puck.

Dane (#12) handled the puck quite a bit so that kept me busy. Unfortunately, they lost the game. Tied 3-3 through the first two periods. Not innings or quarters. And during the third, the opponent scored 3 more goals. Yikes.

Came home and watched the golf playoff. Followed the putt. By Phil Mickelson for the win.

Then looked through my hockey photos. Don't know how I managed to snap some 300-400 photos but that's what happens. I kept my "album" on Facebook to under a 100 anyway.

So I didn't watch the Oscars. Didn't care this year. But I did catch up on The Voice while I was messing with photos. I can keep my eye on the puck and my tablet. And probably will be cross-eyed Monday. Then it just wouldn't be safe to even think about housework, would it?

Better to be safe than sorry.

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