Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Three Point One Four Something Something

March 14 is such a fun day. We all walk around like we're mathematically gifted because we know today – 3/14 – is consider Pi Day.

You know, Pi. That number that starts with 3.14 and goes on and on. You know, Pi. The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Duh.

It has nothing to do with "pie" but it sounds like a good excuse to have some!

But no one brought any to work. And we don't have any kind of pie at home. Not the good pumpkin or apple or Schwan's Andes Mint kind. And not a pizza pie either. Though a slice of sausage and pepperoni pie sounds pretty delish about now.

My challenge, though, is that I can't eat it. No. Not a diet. I went to the dentist after work and even though the allotted two hours have passed, I still don't have 100% feeling back on the left side of my mouth. I tried some rice cakes but I bit my tongue.

That's would never happen with a mushy piece of coconut cream pie. Ohmigosh. I'm suddenly starving!

Anyway, I opted not to go to choir practice tonight. I still look like the Joker from Batman when I smile. And I couldn't open my pie hole all the way.

That's a national holiday in itself. Enjoy it while it lasts!

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