Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday's Excite-Mint

Truth be told, today is sort of a Robyn holiday. As a loyal subject to King Cone, I felt it was my duty to take the afternoon off. Frankly, it's been a long winter and this lady-in-waiting has waited long enough!

For real, though, it was just a nice coincidence that I had a few things happening and this fit into my schedule as well.

After visions of March Mint Madness were dancing in my head all week, I sort of felt I had to get it out of my system. The Mint Brownie concoction did not disappoint.

But the really sweet reason for the day off was this...

Hubby and I got to watch one of our favorite girls "sign" to play college softball. Ellie and her sisters and parents are just the sweetest! Was a privilege to take photos today and just a blessing to be able to see her grow up before our eyes. Cute little girl to determined young woman with goals and a big heart.

Ellie will be playing softball at Loras College in Dubuque, just down the road from Platteville. Her Grandpa Doug, who was my special father figure we lost in mid-November, had attended Loras back in the day. It just happened that the day she was accepted to Loras was the day he died. She felt it in her heart to go. Like that's where she is meant to shine.

Isn't that a cool story? She's a pretty cool girl.

Even though she had to go back to class (still a kid) after the signing ceremony, quite a number of us went out to lunch to celebrate in her honor. I also got to take care of several errands, get adjusted by my chiropractor, catch up on This is Us, welcome his majesty King Cone back in my life and, oh yes, get on the treadmill to get my 10,000 steps.

Now that's a holiday. Time to go sit in my recliner and read.

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