Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hoopla Begins

It's that time of year I pretend I know something about college basketball even though I haven't watched a game all year. So I fill out a bracket or two and hope my "random upsets" come to fruition. Though they never do.

I don't even have a personal favorite this year as the Badgers and Gophers are not participating. So we'll see how it goes.

I think it took me 2 minutes to fill out the whole bracket online. So obviously I put a lot of thought into it! The rest of the day was work and then more work after work. Just got done with what I could for the night and it's time for bed. I'm not even going to check scores.

The beauty of selecting online is that "they" do all the calculations and keep tabs. Next year maybe I'll let "them" pick for me, too!

Good luck, fellow bracketeers!

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