Saturday, March 10, 2018

Walk, Rock or Spring Forward

Spring was sort of in the air today. And not just because we had to "spring forward" for Daylight Saving Time.

Temps were above freezing so of course we cracked open a window for the princess. She was poised to spring forward at any moment. Until she realized she doesn't have the stamina to sit in the window when it's still less than 30 degrees.

It got close to 40 later so I had a spring in my own step. Got out for a walk with neighbors Cindy and Buddy. Then sat in my recliner a few hours to finish our book club selection for March – Eleanor Oliphant is Just Fine. Pretty darn good. With some surprises.

For this evening's entertainment, we rocked and danced forward at the Octane Bar, where our friend Kathy "Kat" was singing with her Almost Famous Band. We took Mike and Cindy with us and happened to run into two other classmates of hubby's.

She is simply amazing. So talented. And just sweetest!

Assumption Class of '81 represents with Dawn, Maria, Jim, and Kat.

Cindy and I also got down with our bad selves! Do we look like we belong in a rock-and-roll joint? Maybe not. But we did have fun dancing and singing along.

Got home at 12:30 a.m. Changed all the clocks. And probably won't have much of a spring in my step when the alarm goes off. But it was fun making the transition, that's for sure.

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