Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Meanwhile in Wisconsin...

They (whoever they are) often say that if you wait around long enough, you can experience all four seasons in Wisconsin in the same week. If that's the case, I'd love me some summer right about now.

Actually, the ability to take a walk without a jacket probably constituted summer last week and the appearance of brown grass signals spring.

When the neighbor alerted me we could get something like 8 inches of snow on Monday evening and Tuesday morning, I figured I'd better get a "before" picture. Because you know I'm all about the pictures! So here we are on Blue Jay Drive...

 Soooooo close to spring!

Uh. Old Man Winter slams the door on that!

Not sure how many inches we got since there was so much blowing and drifting. Hubby shoveled a path so I could take the CRV to work today. Needed to be higher up so my undercarriage wouldn't drag through the unplowed snow. That was a good thing. Because not everything was plowed. And even the roads that were were in awful shape. Not a pleasant commute to work!

Of course, being in Wisconsin, the roads were clear and dry by the time I headed home later. So maybe spring will return. Again.

Until then I guess I don't have to worry about shaving my legs just yet. I've got that going for me.

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