Monday, March 5, 2018

I Was Kit-Napped

I definitely was not planning to spend the entire evening in my recliner. But I was forced.

Since hubby had to substitute bowl tonight, that means the kitty's second choice for a human would have to do.

She got into my chair while I was watching The Voice and made herself at home, sitting on my lap – which she never does. Meanwhile, the snow is piling up and I am not getting anything done inside or outside. But I watched the whole show plus one after it that I don't even watch. Finally, I had to use brush force to get my kit-napper out of my lap.

Just one stroke and she was out of there!

Jim just got home and said it is snowing and blowing with little visibility. I guess we'll see what the morning brings. For us in central Wisconsin, they've predicted everything from 4 to 8 inches. But with the wind, that can drift and be a real challenge for commuters.

Better hit the hay so I have energy to help clear a path and get me out of here in the morning. I don't think I can call in "kit-napped."

But we may have a repeat crime tomorrow night since her human has to bowl again.

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