Saturday, July 28, 2018

A Hitch in My Giddy-Up

I got to giddy-up and go today, that's for sure.

This morning I went up to Loyal (about an hour and 10 minutes from Rapids) and watch my nephew Zach put on a clinic on cow herding. And when I say "clinic" it really was a clinic teaching a class of 10 riders how to teach their horses to work with cattle.

He's 100 percent cowboy. I've seen him in competition herding and sorting cattle but not teaching it. He knows his stuff!

Was fun to see him in action. Glad I found out he was going to be this close by. Apparently when he's not competing or running all other aspects of his farrier business, he does these clinics. Now I'll have to keep an eye out on his schedule in case he's in the relative neighborhood again.

Didn't stay for the afternoon session. Had to get home so hubby and I could go down the Madison for the Capital City 5K run/walk for organ donation.

This was our fourth year going as members of the Running to Remember Ben team. Ben was Jim's cousin's son. He was just out of college when he was killed in a head-on crash 10 years ago and they were able to donate some of his organs. Six years ago, the family decided this was a neat way to honor his memory. It really is a nice event, starting at the capital building. Always great to see the cousins, too!

This year, they thankfully had a one-mile option so I could participate – despite the hitch in my giddy-up. From the one-mile point, a shuttle was available to take the elderly and crippled (I am both now!) back to the park! Yes, my pinky toe throbbed a bit, but nothing too terrible.

After everyone on the team – about 30 of us this year – finished, we had a pizza party at a nearby hotel and visited some more. Jim and I came home since tomorrow's another busy day.

Hopefully, if I get time, I'll have some cool photos from today to share!

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