Thursday, July 12, 2018

Diary of a Wimpy Mom

Fifty years without a single broken bone and when I finally break the streak, so to speak, it's the teeniest tiniest bone. But you wouldn't know that from the size of the pain. Dang.

Yes, after 5 days of stubbornly walking on my left foot and enduring pain in my pinky toe, I finally decided today that maybe I wasn't just a Wimpy Mom after all. Maybe there's more to it than a stubbed or jammed toe.

Left work a bit early to make it the Bone and Joint Walk-in Clinic. Should be called Limp-In Clinic. And got there just in time before closing. I only had to repeat my story – stepping in cat poop, shaking it off my foot and smashing the door frame – three times. I think they've heard it all before. No eye rolling that I could see.

They really do quick work in there. Within a half hour I had been examined, had my X-rays, been informed my pinky toe is broken, then sent on my way with my pinky toe "buddy taped" to the buddy toe next to it.

Luckily, I'm not the first klutz in the neighborhood. My dear friend Cindy had broken her toe in the last 2 years and had to wear a stiff shoe that resembles the infamous boots you see – but a much more manageable size, especially for the injury. Since the doc ordered me to wear the shoe-boot thing for the next 3 weeks at least, I was able to borrow Cindy's.

Since my little piggy is still swollen, I have to care for it like I SHOULD HAVE all week! So for the rest of the month it's the boot. And I also need to elevate, ice, and rest it when I can, too.

Now I know for future reference that if you see stars after impact and think you're going into shock, it might not just be drama. It could be you broke something that shouldn't be broken.

And while I still want to blame Princess Poops-A-Lot for the whole fiasco, hubby (her human) says the Young Working Man should get half the blame since I was walking down the steps to wake him up.

Maybe they'll split the doctor's bill.

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