Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Take it to the Limit

Our summer birthday palooza comes to a conclusion tomorrow when America turns 242. Now we feel young!

Meanwhile, someone in our house reached the speed limit today. The county highway / country road variety – not an interstate. This person doesn't like attention on his birthday (like I do). But I did get him a nice gift and he did receive this cool birthday greeting from his favorite baseball team!

To further celebrate, we went to the Legion Baseball games tonight. I went to both the Ramblers and the Rangers since I promised a friend I'd get pictures of her son (on the Ramblers) at some point this summer.

Jim wanted to see the Rangers play since there are 3 guys on there he coached for Assumption this year. One of them pitched so we got to see some Royals fans tonight plus our friends Mike and Cindy who know that pitcher as well.

Fun time. Especially since Rapids teams won both games. I've got a few pictures to sort through before bed. But no alarm tomorrow. Yay.

That's good for all us old folks around here!

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