Sunday, July 15, 2018

Hot and Humid with a Chance of Distant Relation

I'm not saying the picture above is from the last family reunion I attended, but it's close. I mean there are photographic records I attended one as a teenager, but I rarely have been back since.

My mom's side of the family – the Johnsons – hold it almost the same weekend each July, just north of Luck. Because our summers are so busy, we (me) haven't gotten to one for ages. Today, though, I made the lone road trip up and back since sitting in the car does not constitute using my left foot much!

The reunion was for any descendants of my Grandpa Ernie or his six siblings. The picture up top shows the three sets of twins among those descendants – Raylene and me, Jackie and Jill, and Jeff and Joel (or Joel and Jeff, I can't tell).

Today, just Jill and I were there to represent the twin factor so I was sure to get a picture of us holding the "famous" photo!

My mom is the only one left of Grandpa Ernie's daughters (and sons-in-law). Here she is with the last remaining first cousins: Verna, Mom, and Ardy In all, there were probably 30 of us there today. I should have done a head count. I know Mom had a guestbook so hopefully everyone signed in.

Got to see a lot of first cousins – that I actually knew. And yes, I did mingle as Mom instructed and "re-met" some of the distant cousins!

Four of my siblings were there, plus my nieces Caryn (above) and Beth and their crews.

And that included Beth's little boy – my great-nephew Hans. He's getting so big. At 9 months old, he's changed a lot since Christmas! Can you tell my sister Renell is a proud grandma!

It was great to see Mom in person since I only brought her on our trip to Sweden virtually. I'll have to get that scrapbook done so I can show her it all in one sitting. Without the distraction of heat and humidity!

And, you know, family.

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