Thursday, July 26, 2018

Thermal Thursday, Furnace Friday

When I saw this on the Weather Channel website, I thought "Furnace Friday" meant we're turning the heat on. But I guess in other parts of the world that aren't central Wisconsin, they don't need to.

It was honestly very fall-like today. Don't get me wrong, I love fall. In the fall. Not now.

The temps will get down to the mid-50s tonight. Great sleeping weather, you say. I know, but... it's still July. Actually had to wear long pants and a sweatshirt to a picnic tonight. So strange. Not complaining, really. Just noting this so I remember come September why my summer tan faded by August 1st.

When we got home, hubby turned down his side of the bed to be sure he gets all the cool breezes on his sheets. I turned up my side... as in turned ON the electric mattress pad.

Not kidding. Thankfully, dual-controlled. Not the first time this summer, but usually it's because the A/C was cranked too much. Not Mother Nature's A/C.

I may or may not wear socks to bed tonight. (My twin sister probably knows the answer to that one!) But you can bet I'm bundling up for the air-conditioned office tomorrow since we have several days of autumn in the forecast. I know. I'm one of those weird souls who loves the heat!

I won't complain – unless the leaves start changing!

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