Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hobble Stone

Since it's raining tonight – finally! – there will be no golfing or kayaking for this adventure girl. Instead, it's back to my Sweden scrapbook. I really need to get my uff da mojo back to finish this thing!

As I looked at these pictures of the various cobblestone streets we walked in almost every town, I am so grateful I didn't break my toe until after we got home. Despite the pretty stone layouts in the photos above, most streets were uneven terrain. It was hard enough to walk without having toe, foot, or leg issues.

They really should be called "hobble" stone streets.

Which is pretty much any place I walk these days. Can you tell I am so over this waddling business? Having the most impatient person in the world WAIT for something to heal is, well, torture. Probably for everyone around!

At least I am getting a little more comfortable in my stride. Evening it out a bit. Still confining myself to pretty much walking to the restroom and coffee shop at work. And no laps around the neighborhood when I get home.

Maybe this rain will be a good thing. Help the grass, the crops, my flowers... and keep me inside multi-tasking (aka resting the foot and scrapping).

One of these days I wouldn't mind resting it outside in Mr. Deck Chair. He misses me. He sent me a Get Well card and everything. (Yes, I may have injured my head in the Pinky Incident.)

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