Friday, July 20, 2018

Earth Quenching

There are a lot of areas in the U.S. and Canada (where this picture was taken) that are suffering from very dry conditions. We're not at drought level in central Wisconsin, but it sure has been awhile since we've had a good soaking.

Until today.

You could almost hear Mother Earth sighing with pleasure at the thirst-quenching rain. I think all the farmers we know were joining in that sigh.

So we can't really complain about rain – even though it made for lousy conditions on the golf course for the Royal Scramble (Assumption's Athletic Association scramble). Still, hubby and friends suffered through it and even had fun. 

They had a banquet afterward back at the high school. I picked Jim up towards the end and got to see a few people I hadn't seen in awhile – including a former co-worker who we haven't seen since his wedding in Appleton some 9 years ago. Where does time go?

I don't think Jim's group won any golf awards but they did come away with a nice auction buy of a golf package for the hot new golf course in these parts – Sand Valley. He has his foursome set. I'm jealous but at least he can tell me if it's worth the exorbitant price for us to go at some point down the road. We'll definitely pick a day it's not raining!

It's still coming down now at 10 p.m. This doesn't bode well for outdoor plans tomorrow. But my flowers might stay alive until the end of July after all!

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