Thursday, April 16, 2020

I Call Same Seats

There's a calendar in my office that has our quarantine experience by the numbers. Today was day 38 of staying safer at home. And today we learned it's a good thing this is a 3-month wall calendar so I can see the numbers add up through most of May.

Instead of lifting the lockdown restrictions when his order expires next Friday, April 24, our governor extended the order until May 26 so it applies through the Memorial Day weekend. I'm not going to add up what number will be on the calendar that day. It's too depressing.

Depressing, yes. For sure K-12 schools closed for rest of school year. RIP spring sports. RIP the patience of these parents-turned-homeschool teachers. Uff da. And who knows about delayed proms or graduation ceremonies.

This is also is depressing, yes, for businesses struggling to stay afloat and their employees, too – who may or may not have any other source of income for their household.

And definitely depressing, yes, for those of us – basically everyone – missing up close and personal contact with their family and friends.

Depressing, yes. We're tired of the same 4 walls and limited outlets for escape.

But it would be more depressing if they let the inmates out of the asylum too early and there was a statewide free-for-all of hugging and partying and sharing germs – and more people died. Maybe even someone we know.

I didn't realize it would be such a controversial issue. I mean I'd just rather be safe than sorry. If we have to sacrifice now, it will be worth it to have freedom and fun return at some point this summer, hopefully. But if we escape before there's any sense of how we can control the spread, then we're just going to be back in our homes and starting this all over with day one.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to write numbers on the calendar every day of 2020. The 3-month view is sufficient for me. And I already called "same seats" in the living room so I got dibs on my recliner for a lot of free evenings and weekends.

Me, you, the Hallmark channel and Netflix will get through this together.

And golf courses MAY open under certain restrictions. Marriage saver right there. Good luck to us all!

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