Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mother Earth

Happy 50th Earth Day. It would appear it's taken 50 years for Man to slow down and ease off on hurting Mother Earth. Now we've seen evidence during this pandemic and subsequent lockdowns that pollution is declining – in the air and in the water. Amazing.

While it's a rough time for a lot of us, it real seems like a healing time for Mother Earth. Good for her. And us.

I didn't do anything special to mark the day. Was hoping to get out and collect garbage along the nearby roads, but it was far too chilly and windy. I will do that at some point in the next week as the weather allows. Promise, Madame Earth!

Found this list of things we can all do. Any time. All the time...

I do some but certainly not all. A great reminder for taking care of the Earth – and ourselves!

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