Monday, April 6, 2020

Safe at Home

Remember when the phrase "safe at home" had nothing to do with a pandemic, but meant the runner scored despite the catcher's best effort to tag him? Yeah, me too. Good times.

I was sadly reminded – again – of the missing baseball season when I got this auto-reminder from the GameChanger app we use at Assumption High School...

Yup. Today should have been the season opener for our Royal baseball team! Dang. I can tell you the working from home experience would have been entirely different if the season had gone on. Hubby would be off coaching practices in the afternoons and I would have my alone time to... I don't know. Probably do what I'm doing now. House projects, puzzles, and watching The Voice.

But games days would be a different story. No matter how cold, I'd be there to cheer on the guys and try to snap some action shots for the yearbook and their mothers' scrapbooks! Then, if there was a softball game at the same time and city – usually the case – I'd jet over there and see what I could capture there, too!

At both games, I'd be excited to see new freshmen players and cheer on those seniors who I've seen add their time, talent, and personalities to this team and others over the years. And, of course, share hugs with the senior moms who "just can't believe this is their last season!"

I miss that. The guys miss it. The girls miss it. The coaches are going stir crazy missing it. The fans and parents miss it, too.

I bet if it's only 40 degrees, windy and misting out, even those umpires miss calling out, "Safe at home!"

Good call, Blue.

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