Saturday, April 4, 2020

In The Driver's Seat

So much of our lives are out of our control right now. Where we work. Where we shop. Who we see. Who we can't see. And rules... Don't touch your face. Don't leave your house. Rules. Rules. Rules.

I've decided to concentrate on what I can control about this quarantine situation. It's not much. But it's a lot of me. So I've put myself in the driver's seat and have controlled the destination of my wide open weekends.

Last weekend was the decluttering and organizing of the northeast sector of the basement. Lots of stuff thrown out, given away and in piles for donating. I felt really good about tackling work I have put off for far too long.

This weekend, I've moved my motivation to the southwest sector – also known as the laundry-utility room / storage area. Not a lot of fun things to uncover or give away. Filled up a very large garbage bag and realized we have enough plastic shelves and totes for everything we own. Probably gonna have to donate some of those shelves!

I got one half of the quadrant done today and will hit the other half tomorrow. That will take more time because it's where I have all my gift wrap and bags and tissue paper and all that nonsense stored. (I use that term loosely.) Plus candle holders and other beautiful junk I don't use. Lord, help me stay on task!

I did take one break today. Since I found out I will be working from home at least another month, I figured I better get myself an ergonomically correct – or at least supportive – office chair. Mine has seen better days. And I can tell it's not holding up its end of this quarantine bargain. I also needed a floor mat to put by the desk I use for work – as opposed to my blogging desk. Ha. (a.k.a. my large Mac computer for design, photos, etc.)

So on a whim, I asked hubby, "Can I just take the truck? Just in case the chair won't fit in my car." When he said, sure, I grabbed the keys and an extra pillow and took off.

I felt like a truck drivin' boss. "Get out of my lane, little cars. Big truck coming through!" I said confidently while boosted up on two pillows so I could see over the dash.

Thank goodness there were hardly any cars at Staples so I didn't have to park perfectly. And it turned out I didn't need the truck anyway because the chair I picked and then the backup choice I picked were out of stock. So I bought the floor mat and trucked home to order my chair online. At least I sat in the store model so I know it will be comfy and supportive. And I won't need a booster seat to see my keyboard.

You can tell from the photo it was a sunny day today. Temps in the high 40s, I think. Warm enough Jim did some yard work while I was inside. This is why I've got to keep my mojo going. As soon as the mercury hits 60, I sense Mr. Deck Chair will be taking over the wheel!

What are you doing to put yourself in the driver's seat during lockdown? Good luck and good productivity!

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