Saturday, April 18, 2020

Wind Chillin'

Temperatures were deceiving today. Even though the thermometer in my phone insisted it was over 60 degrees, even at a night, it didn't feel like that. The darn wind cooled off everything. All day.

Took a walk and got a new hairstyle out of it. Was pondering parting it on the other side. Now I see it can be done!

Tried bonding with Mr. Deck Chair. Took sweatshirt off and rolled up shirtsleeves. Had goosebumps but I was darn determined to enjoy that 60-degree weather no matter what! Pretty sure I wimped out before any rays of sun soaked in.

Was forced to do some cleaning / organizing in my office (aka Scrap Cave). Didn't get very far. I think I've lost that weekend motivation that was here earlier this month. Maybe it just lives in the basement?? Either way, tomorrow won't be as nice out so I'll try to recapture the mojo again and see what I can get done.

On a positive note, I got to see the Twins win a game. Granted it was classic TV, but still. And enjoyed yummy chicken and peppers kabobs on the grill for supper... followed by a road trip to DQ for dessert!

It was a good Saturday to chill.

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