Friday, January 21, 2022

My Favorite Visiting Team

Normally when I think of a blizzard, it's either ice cream or weather related. But there's a third option now – and it involves a mini family reunion.

Hockey... it brings families together. Who knew?

The Blizzard hockey team is a co-op of skaters from Webster, Siren, Frederic, Luck, and Grantsburg schools. And tonight they were in town, well Stevens Point, to play our Pacelli co-op team that has a few Assumption skaters (so, sort of my home team).

But not only did the team come to town – but some of my Up North cousins did too! The Blizzard goalie is my third cousin – or do you say first cousin thrice removed? Anyway, my cousin Gene's daughter Rachael's son Tyler. And Gene's other daughter Sara was along. And Rachael's other two college-aged kids (Luke and Savanna) were with, too.

So naturally photos are a necessity at a family reunion (Rachael left, Sara right). I had to laugh when Luke was taking the picture and said "Open your eyes" because I realized the small "Hedberg eyes" are thing for all of us. A hundred percent related!

Just nice having the visiting team include visitors that are a joy to see. We got to visit before and after the game, and during the intermissions. Good to catch up a bit. We had gotten together two years ago when Luke first started going to college in Stevens Point. Then, you know, that darn pandemic hit and basically I wasn't working in the office (just down the road from UW-SP) so our paths haven't crossed like we thought. Still, he knows he's got family (once, twice, thrice removed or not) close by if he needs someone.

As for the game, it was a close, very physical game. That's my polite way of saying lots of physical contact and even a fight or two. And Pacelli ended up winning 9-6. I felt bad every time the team I normally cheer for scored a goal against my little cousin.

Got lots of good pictures, though! Will have to share tomorrow. My body really needs to get in my heated bed right now.

Even though I was tempted to stop and get DQ type of Blizzard on my way home!

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