Monday, January 17, 2022

Footprints :: Winter Edition

While I was taking a walk at lunchtime today, I came across footprints in the snow. Now in Wisconsin, even for us indoor types, we're pretty sure these are deer prints. But to me, they looked like hearts. 

Two hearts.

When I bent down to take a picture and noticed a single track by itself – a lonely heart – two things came to mind. My grieving sister and that old Footprints poem.

I'm going to believe that this is sign, Rayna, that God is carrying you now during this tough time. Your heart may feel lonely and broken and even shattered, but think of all those memories that can fill it up. Think about how much you were loved by Paul and are loved by all of us. And God, too. May that be enough to carry you. 

Even for one step.

Just one step at a time.

So many of you are grieving right now – recent losses of parents and family members and friends – and this message is for you, too. 

Rejoice in the good news that when I continued to follow these tracks today, the next set showed two "hearts" again. You may feel like the single heart right now, but God is carrying you through this dark and sad time. Just know that it won't last. There will be two prints again. There will be light and joy again.

Unfortunately, we don't know the distance between those sets of prints, do we? For everyone, it's different. Seeing any ray of light might seem so far down your dark tunnel right now. But keep the faith. Be patient and trusting. God has you in His care and he'll keep leading you though the darkness. Through frigid temps and deep snow. Until one day it's suddenly spring.

For today, for right now, just keep inching forward. While God carries you, I'm here to walk beside you. In fact, every person reading this can look around and there's more than one person who'll make tracks with you.

Just ask. Believe me, we all look forward to spring.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a wonderful writer, Robyn. Sending prayers to your sister and your family. Hugs...