Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Winter Wonder-Where-the-Lines-Are

Winter parking rules are now in effect in Wisconsin. As noted in the photo... If you can't tell where the lines are, you make your own. And if you see them and the car already parked didn't, then just play along and everyone else will follow suit.

It's just how it is.

Not that anyone wants to go anywhere unless they have to. It did sneak up above zero today, but not by much. That sun is so darn deceiving. I can you it did nothing to simmer the Arctic Blast when I went to the post office at lunch or when I went to the store after work. I was hustling so fast from car to building and back to car, that it almost constituted exercise.

Well we both know that's not true.

What is true is that nothing is going to get me back out there tonight or tomorrow. The words "bitterly cold" give me goose bumps just sitting here. In my heated house, with a hoodie on (of course) and long underwear. Uff da.

Will definitely keep myself parked inside – I don't care where the lines are painted.

Be careful out there!

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