Saturday, January 8, 2022

Patience is a Major Virtue

Interesting phrase I saw today. A good reminder (if I'd listen) for being patient when it comes to God answering our prayers. 

It was another day of praying for some loved ones who can't seem to catch a break. We're impatient. We want more than survival. We want to see improvement. And of course we want that now.

But we'll wait. And patience to our prayer list!

In the mean time, I just distract myself with taking pictures. Went to a dance recital today that a handful of friends' daughters were in. It was a great distraction. From the littles on up to high schoolers, they were all so talented. It was fun to watch – even without my favorite dancer who aged out/graduated last year!  

Managed to get a few decent photos but lighting is a nightmare. It's dark and then there are so many colors of spotlights. Every picture looks like it could have been taken in a different place. Oh well, that's just me being picky. It was good to get out of the house and see some friends.

Now it's back to watching golf – and football – and I guess trying to uncover some virtues. #patience

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