Sunday, January 23, 2022

Rockin' with the Oldies

We've had something on our calendar quite awhile now. Our friend's band was playing at Junkyard Bar & Grill (most recently was Octane Bar) on Saturday night at 8 p.m. Of course, bands like Rising Phoenix book months and months out, so there's no way they could've known they'd compete against a certain playoff game for an audience.

So those of us in our house were free to go listen as planned since we didn't have anything we had to watch. There was a decent crowd anyway, but many were swiveling their chairs back and forth between the band and game.

And I'm not saying it's our fault, we were sitting at table 12. Might have created some bad ju-ju.

It was great to hear Jim's classmate Todd sing and play. They are an amazing rock band – if you like any 80s-90s rock from KISS and Journey to Def Leppard and Queen. So good!

And our friend Kathy (Jim's classmate in a different band) was able to join us. Not that you can visit much with such loud music playing, but we yelled a lot during their brief breaks. We all made it past 11:30 p.m.! Not bad for a bunch of oldies out rockin' on a Saturday night!

Got home right around midnight but was much too tired to blog.

Today we have our hearing back (ha) and it's been a low-key Sunday. I was at church and our annual meeting and Jim was at church then shoveling at his parents. Only an inch or so so not bad. This afternoon was more NFL playoffs. I've sort of been watching while crocheting a blanket I'm trying to get done for a raffle basket. 

A girl can make a lot of progress when her team doesn't make the playoffs! Bring on baseball season for all of us!

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