Friday, October 13, 2023

Ark (and Cabinet) Building Season

It's been raining since I went to bed last night. This was our accumulation while it was still light out. But of course it hasn't stopped. Guess Noah didn't go away upon my request last week!

The only reason we cared today is that it delayed the loading (in the rain) of our cabinets and installation. But I gotta say, I am 100% in love with what I'm seeing so far. We both agreed on white walls and black cupboards and I can't wait to see the finished look! It's like a time warp from the 1970s to 2020s.

I'll give you one tiny sneak peek of the in-progress upgrade! Then I'll wait until it's done! 

And while the guys were drilling and measuring and all that, I had my own project going...

Finally printed out photos and framed up my autographed golf flags. This was Justin Thomas' win in 2020.

And Harris English who won my company's tournament in 2021 and then visited us later that summer! Not exactly a ton of productivity for a day off. But I was more interested in watching the kitchen come together.

And now, while hubby takes states on the cold, wet sidelines, I can watch our Royals on TV. We need this win to make the playoffs. Let's go, boys!

And Noah and Mother Nature, you can go, too. 

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