Friday, October 20, 2023

Just Needed One More Hug

Worked just a half day today then hubby and I hit the road to the Platteville-Potosi area to see the kids one more time before they drive back to Raleigh this weekend. Momma needed just one more hug since it will likely be a few months before we see them again.

With the recent explosion of color around here, we were excited for a scenic drive on this sunny day. Not happening. The color lasted only until about this exit (above) in Portage. Then it was sporadic and minimal.

It reappeared after we picked up Carter and Mamie and took them over to the Potosi Brewery. Pretty!

The brewery holds a special place in their hearts since that's where they met while working there during college summers. Jim and I just think it's cool – and they have good food. The beer cheese soup we had tonight was delish!

It wasn't until we were talking over dinner that we realized it was 4 years ago today that Carter had his horrific accident on the way to his last day of work at Potosi.

It was a foggy morning collision that totaled his car but somehow left him shaken, but not injured. Praise the Lord! As Jim said tonight, it was good to see him in person on this "anniversary" instead of visiting a tombstone. Again... praise the Lord!

Now, Lord, keep your protective wings over these kiddos and that Honda Accord as they drive out to Raleigh, N.C. 

And thanks for letting us get in one more hug... or two or three! 

P.S. And thanks for keeping my Honda HRV safe from all those deer in the ditches on our way home! 

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