Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Mama Smooth

For years, our neighbors around the bend have called Carter "Mr. Smooth." Naturally that means that Jim and I are Papa Smooth and Mama Smooth. And today I earned the title. In a sarcastic way, of course.

I was working out at lunch. Don't be impressed. Today makes a streak of two days. I was doing some fast-paced mountain climbers that involved a kick-through on the opposite side, when the heal of my sneakers accidentally connected with my shin.

Dang. That's gonna leave a mark!

By the time I was back in the locker room and in the shower, the little owie was growing into quite lump. 

It looks like it's a picture of my knee. But it's actually the growing lump. Ouch. That seemed a bit extreme for a bruise, so when I got back to my desk, I decided to ice it. 

I crafted an ice pack using a nearby cleaning glove because not only am I resourceful. I'm also a dork. It helped the pain anyway. And stopped the lump from growing. 

I'm so smooth! Kicking my own ass, er shin!

Pretty sure you rocked your day today if you didn't have a name badge lanyard tied around your shin to hold up an ice-filled vinyl glove. Keep being you! You've got this, rock star!

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