Saturday, October 14, 2023

Getting a Handle on Things

So there was a historic day today with a solar eclipse. You know the photographer in me wanted to capture that, but dang... we had more cabinet progress! How do you like our handles? Jim and I agreed on these immediately since we have some cool metal stuff coming as part of this overhaul.

Naturally, the curious cat wanted to know about this solar eclipse thing so we sporadically sat outside to see if there was progress.

Wouldn't you know it – on a "partly" cloudy day it covered up the good stuff. From our yard anyway. But still, it was kind of cool that every picture captured some end-of-the-world vibes.

It's so weird. No filter. Just rainbow outlines. That was cool enough for me. And you know I say that while I'm jealous of people who captured it!

Our awesome crew left by 12:30 p.m. so we grabbed lunch at Ida's and then had Son #2 and his plus-one visit awhile. 

Tonight I emptied 4 totes of "kitchen stuff" while reorganizing the cabinets that have the hexagon handles installed. It will be a strange new reality.  But we can't wait to see the end result!! 

Again, sorry to bore you but we haven't had a major upgrade to our home of 20-plus years in a long time. Life is good. Make improvements to your home sweet home to enjoy it – not just to sell it! 

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