Thursday, February 5, 2009

Drama Queens

Watching the first 15 minutes of American Idol last night, I realized why they call it a "reality" show. It had all the whining and tears and drama a viewer could ask for -- if you like that sort of thing.

Not me. Now I know why I don't get into those reality shows. If I wanted to watch the unbelievable sap, I'd tune into that. But this, in my opinion, is a talent competition. Let's see the talent!

We were fortunate we at least got to see and hear Jenn and Tom on stage last night, but not their individual parts. Their whole group moved onto the next round, though, so we were excited!

Back to the drama... Other than these reality shows, you really only see it at this level in one place: high school. Am I right or am I right?

It seems like high school was the only place we cared so much about what other people thought and didn't hold anything back when telling people what we thought. No matter how off base or hurtful, it was a back-stabbing festival. And oh, the tears. Yikes, I could never go back. It's probably a good thing I'm not a teacher. I don't know that I could tolerate the drama. "It's not about you!" I'd be telling them to "Get real!" or "Grow up!" in a hurry, that's for sure.

It's not all bad, though. You can declare your undying hatred for someone one day and you're back to being BFFs the next. And if you can survive those high school years with a relationship intact, then you probably have a friend for life!

I don't think some of those Idol contestants are mature enough to handle that concept. It's a selfish competition, after all. So I guess they fit right in. We'll see next week if the talent stays and the drama queens, with mascara running, head back to their castles. I hope so.

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