Saturday, February 14, 2009

Young Love

Since I never know who is reading my blog (or may accidentally stumble upon it), I am going to keep names out of this one.

When I was a little older than Carter, I wrote in my diary (about this time of year) that I just couldn't decide which boy to like. "I like so many boys right now I can't decide if I like them or I just think I like them." I then went on to list three contenders, one confirmed "no" and one "stand by" -- the guy I probably had a crush on from 5th to 7th grade (and maybe beyond).

So it really should come as no surprise to me that Carter has been having this same dilemma with deciding if he likes a girl or just wants to be her friend. It's been a constant soap opera this school year -- with the last episode featuring two girls fighting (not really) over Carter and both of them giving up. But now I know there's a new Valentine in the mix.

I asked Carter yesterday after school if he got any special valentines. He did! A box of chocolates and a homemade card that clearly spelled out "from your girlfriend." He told me not to tell Daddy (he doesn't want to be teased) but Daddy asked him the same question 10 minutes later and Carter responded honestly. Of course, today he was teased about it a bit with Daddy asking him if he was going to call her and wish her a happy Valentine's Day. It hasn't happened yet (to my knowledge). And he's had plenty of time.

We had a pretty low-key day around here. I was pleased that by noon I had swept, dusted, vacuumed, spent quality time on the treadmill, showered and shaved my legs. Ask any woman and she'll tell you that's pretty good for a Saturday!

This afternoon I got some scrapbooking done while Carter did homework and played outside and hubby relaxed, playing cribbage online and watching college hoops. Tonight we're staying in (since we went out to eat last night) and I get to watch Grey's (since I missed it Thursday night).

Who can top that? McDreamy on the TV and my McValentine on the couch. I should have some sweet dreams tonight. Happy Valentine's Day to me!

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