Friday, February 20, 2009

TGIF (Thank God I'm Forty)

Writer Robert Fulghum has famously said, "All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten." If you've read the essay, you understand that the values of sharing and caring (and many more) we learn as 5-year-olds are worthy characteristics for a lifetime.

Good thought. But for some of us it takes awhile longer to catch on. Or perhaps it's just that we are lifelong students and always picking up new tidbits of wisdom. Now that I am an old and wise (or just old) 40-year-old, those tidbits of wisdom come flying at me at light speed some days. Here's a few things I've picked up in the last 24 hours:

* Don't underestimate the importance of the Schwan's man. Yes, the food in general is overpriced, but can you really put a price tag on convenience? Last night when we got home from work, I happened to glance at the calendar and saw the word "potluck" and just about had a heart attack. I completely forgot about a potluck for a friend's anniversary. Here it was 5:40 and eating was to commence at 6:30. Thankfully, I had a bag of Schwan's meatballs in the freezer. I nuked those while heating up BBQ sauce in the slow cooker and had a tasty potluck contribution in the nick of time. For me, that was priceless.

* We all deserve to be pampered once in awhile. Although my husband may beg to differ (but I doubt it), I am not one of those high-maintenance women. I don't need jewelry and shopping and manicures to keep me happy. I used to think I didn't deserve all that anyway. But now I find myself worthy and my one source of pampering is my hair. About a year ago, I put it in someone else's hands. And now I am puddy in her hands for 2 hours every other month. This morning, Jim and I went to work a little early, then I visited my hair artist in Waupaca, then me & my glamorous self went back to work. Yes, you can mix work and pleasure.

* Everything tastes better with friends. We met our friends Mike, Christine and son Nate out to eat tonight. During the summer, the guys coach baseball together and our boys play together so we see each other all the time. In the "off season," it sure takes some effort to coordinate a get-together between our busy schedules. But we're always grateful when we finally do! We ate at Anchor Bay on the Wisconsin River (which you can't see in the dark anyway) and then came back to our house to hang out (like teenagers, I guess). It was nice to see them again and, no offense to the kids, have some adult companionship. We're all excited about our upcoming trip to Milwaukee for the Celtics-Bucks game. And, believe it or not, looking forward to another baseball season. (Sign-up is Monday already!) Looking forward to spending more time with some pretty cool friends -- and making that a priority.

* Pride still goeth before the fall. Yup, I've said that phrase before and now I understand it. I explained that ESPN streaking thing the other day. Well Miss Newcomer Robyn woke up this morning to a winning streak of 8! Whoo-hoo! That's the best so far out of our group. I should have just smiled and kept my mouth shut. But no. I had to do the gloating happy dance and proceeded to lose on the next pick. Now I'm back to square one and building up a new streak. I'll try to keep my pride intact if I do well. But another thing I've learned at this old age is that I often do what I want to do -- not what I should do. And yes, it still gets me in trouble! (Maybe I'll have that one mastered by the time I'm 50.)

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