Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Idol Chat

Spent another hour on my friend Becky's couch last night, hoping to see her niece Jenn and husband Tom get some face time on American Idol. We saw them briefly as they came out a door cheering that they are going onto the next level -- then a quick shot of Tom carrying Jenn out the door to go home for the night.

Of course, we're thrilled they made the first cut but we haven't gotten to see them perform yet! I "borrowed" this picture above so you can see what they look like anyway. If you are fan of the show, you already know you can watch interview videos of them, etc. at

Since Tom and Jenn are the first married couple to get this far in the competition, we are hoping at some point they'll have a special segment on them. For now, we'll be content that they are making the cuts -- which must mean they're doing more than OK!

Since I've never watched the season this early on, I'm not sure how all this elimination takes place, but it seems to be going fast. Apparently, tonight they sing in small groups and either the group goes on to the next round (all of them) or they go home (all of them). So maybe tonight we'll see them.

I imagine I'll tune in again. I guess I'm sort of hooked now that I have someone to root for!

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