Monday, February 2, 2009

The Shadow Knows

That alarm came way too early this morning. By the time things settled down last night with Carter staying up late for the game and me tacking up towels by his leaky ceiling, I got to bed pretty late.

This morning came way too fast. After hitting the snooze a maximum number of times, then climbing out of my cocoon, I didn't give any thought to seeing if my shadow was coming with me into the shower. I have this sneaking suspicion, though, that the shadow was there. And we'll have 6 more weeks of winter.

Aren't Mondays challenging enough without carrying that knowledge around?

At least the atmosphere around work is a little more uplifting today as everyone recaps their favorite Super Bowl commercials. (A few people actually watched the game, too!) Poor Groundhog's Day just gets lost in the shuffle. But that gets pretty predictable anyway, doesn't it? When on Feb. 2 don't we have more winter on the horizon? (It's sort of a bogus holiday when you think about it.)

I just hope we don't have 6 more weeks of leaking roofs and icy roads. And I just hope my coffee will get done brewing so I can plug into another Monday. Have a good week!

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