Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sound Reasoning

I'm one of those people who will say "Everything happens for a reason" but usually it takes some convincing. I often need to see the next sequence of events to determine if it was for a good reason or not.

Last night was the end of the road on American Idol for my friend's niece Jenn Korbee. It came down to her having a sing-off with some chick with an "identity crisis" and Jenn was sent home. Naturally, all of us watching in our new "Idol Cult" were crushed. That's not fair! She can sing! Is she too normal for this show?

At least Mr. Harsh (Simon Cowell) liked her.

And Jenn is already on a successful career path, singing and acting on a children's television show. So perhaps she didn't need to be the next American Idol as badly as someone else. We'll see how it plays out.

Think about how many times we've hoped for a different result but in the end, we're OK it didn't go "our" way.

When I think of every time in my career I've sent out resumes, I have to believe that those rejections happened for a reason. If they hadn't, I wouldn't have landed the "right" jobs where I did, met those wonderful friends in Marinette and Iola or have a new family in Wisconsin Rapids.

Things have a way of working out, don't they?

Of course, now I don't know if I am going to keep watching Idol or not. Maybe one of the reasons for Jenn's departure is a cue I need to stay home and clean house or something.

Nah. It's gotta be somethin' else.

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